Friday, January 30, 2009

Hair Bandit

So i had a li'l free time on my hands this week...who am i kidding...loadsa free time...which led to me making some hair accessories...I started off with a flowery hair band with some coffee coloured ribbon i found lying around, and surprisingly it turned out to be not so hideous (at least according me) so i ended up making it in a bunch of different colours. i'm putting up some pics of my new hobby..check em out...

the bow thingy was surprisingly more of a hassle to make :S


  1. OMG binooo...i always admire ur creativity!:D luvd ur bracelets then keychains n now these bands!:D i am taking the silver/purple one :D

  2. heh.. awesome dude.. you really got talent.. start a business.. people will go crazy.

  3. hehhe thanks guys! n sidoo i'll make a bunch of these for you when u come visit :D
