Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trashed Jeans

me wants!

Just cuz


Horror-struck! (But not in a good way)

So I finally watched Twilight last night and I gotta say, the movie was exactly like I had expected, with cheesiness oozing from almost every scene. It was bad.

The worst thing for me in the movie, besides the dialogues (they probably shouldn’t have taken most of them from the book), was Bella. Kristen looked super uncomfortable in her own skin throughout the movie. I read someplace that she doesn’t like smiliing all the time, and I get that cuz who does?!, but she just looked digusted with everyone and especially with Edward. (Did ya see her looking at him when hes playing the piano?! Btw, WHAT was that scene?!!). When she wasn’t looking annoyed or scared, she just simply looked (and sounded for that matter) bored. She looked like she was in so much pain that she made the entire movie uncomfortable to watch. (If I sound a tad jealous of Kristen then that’s probably because I am.) Robbie was of course gorge! But some of his serious expressions did make me crack up from time to time. But who cares about that right?

If you haven’t seen the film yet, then don't. Unless you’re a Robsessor or a fan of the books. I know I won't be watching the next installment alleast. Except maybe the ending part. :P

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sum glasses

Vicky B has been wearing a lotta them Jackie O style sunglasses...

I want em tooo!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Photoshopping spree

My search for a good photo editing software ended when I came across an online photo altering tool called FotoFlexer. This is a fairly easy to use software (trust me on this...i'm PhotoShop-retarded but i managed to use this tool) and it offers a bunch of features to enhance it's completely free! You don't even need to make an account to use it (as long you're uploading the pictures from your computer). The picture below is my first ever attempt at removing the background from a pic and merging two pictures together....

Umm...I didn't say I was very good at it.

Go to the link below to start editing your pictures

For your caffeine fix

If you're like me and love a good cup of creamy latte but also find yourself running low on cash most of the time (all thanks to your other addiction of buying shoes....but thats a whole other story)...then you'd be happy to know about these yummy instant coffee sachets by Nescafe, accidently discovered by my Dad. These sachets make the most deeelish instant coffee I've ever had.
They come in a bunch of flavours; my fave of which are chocolate mocha latte, double choco mocha and caramel latte. (I didn't find the cappucino sachets to be as good as the latte ones..mostly, i'm guessing, because of the lack of flavours.) Although there's no comparison to a freshly brewed cup of coffee from a coffee shop, these babies are worth a try. Just dont forget to sprinkle a li'l chocolate powder on top when the froth sets.
Yer welcome.


Whos doesn’t like creating avatars of themselves or their friends? Not me..ever since our silly office admin has blocked youtube, I’ve been forced to find other ways to keep myself entertained…the results of some of which I’ve posted below…(kinda sad i know…but what the hey). Click on the links below each picture to create your own avatars of the same kind...but be forewarned: these sites are super addictive!

my southpark alter ego...

and here's one if you're feeling like saving the world today...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

AI and the case of the annoying new judge

Is it just me or does it seem like that Kara chick on American Idol is only there to start spats with Simon Cowell?! In my opinion, she's trying a bit too hard to be "feisty". I think she's figured out that the safest way to secure her job at the AI club is to cause some drama between her n Simon. I started off liking her because she does have her own opinion and she was brining something different to the program but a couple of episodes later i had changed my mind. Who knows i might start liking her in the future....only if she stops doing silly stuff like crawling under the table and acting all surprised when the other judges give their critique (i mean whats there to be surprised about that...we've all seen the show before n we all know what each of the judge is gonna say). If Kara is here to replace Paula then they have my blessings and i dont think i need to explain why (i'm aready dreading Paula's critique on the performance of the top 12 idols)...and who knows maybe Kara will inspire Simon to get a boob reduction and maybe, possibly a hair cut suited for this century??? We can always hope....

While I'm on the subject of AI, can I just express my aggravation on the AI ppl's decision to reduce the embarrassing auditions of really bad singers? They were why i used to watch the audition episodes before skipping to the top 20 part (I still dont have much idea of what goes on during the Hollywood week)..come on!! who doesn't enjoy watching crazy people embarrass themselves and get on a particular judge's nerves?! Cutting back on these bits were a bad call on the producers part, in my opinion.
There's one last thing I need to add...Randy needs to bring something new to the show...his dialogues had me bored 2 years ago and my patience with him is thinning ever since...and lets see whether the recession makes an impact on Ryan's make up kit...I'm hoping it doesn't and this time around he could get himself a nice set of fake eyelashes that stay put! :D

Monday, February 2, 2009


Dilbert makes me nostalgic about my old work place...
PS: i heart wally